To realize this opportunity you need to have a good understanding of the structure of accounts in google analytics. What not to do the very first basic unit of the google analytics structure is an account with a login and password; within one account there can be many sites. And this suggests one simple and logical solution to host client sites within one account. But this is the wrong way to go. you will have access to the site and only from your account with your username and password. Thus the client will not be able to access his statistics. And there is absolutely no way you can transfer rights to the client to his counter if such a need arises.
There is simply no function for transferring counters between accounts in analytics; all statistics are tightly tied to the account in which the counter was created. Google's distant and arrogant support ignores any requests for a transfer. The only solution is to create a new counter with new Mobile App Development Service statistics. Correct solution rights to a counter in google analytics cannot be transferred but it is very easy to transfer rights to a ga account; this operation is performed in a few clicks. Therefore it is convenient and easy to create a separate account for each client within one main one.
Yes that's possible! Pros all client accounts are stored in one place you have access to everything with one login and password; if a client has several websites you store all his counters in one account so the information is structured optimally and conveniently; and most importantly you can at any time transfer to a client the rights to his account assign him any category of rights and even .pletely get rid of this client’s account it will be enough to simply transfer administrator rights to the client and remove you from the client’s account . Administrators ; but i didn’t find any downsides except that there is a fly in the ointment.