The work warning is usually a first call for attention from the company. And it is done to a worker who is not fully fulfilling his duties. This can be verbal or written through a letter of reprimand. The employee who receives this letter will be subject to evaluation by his direct boss . This type of labor sanction is contemplated in the Workers' Statute and collective labor agreements. What is a work warning? A workplace reprimand is a disciplinary sanction that is applied to the worker when he or she has committed an offense. It is used to let the worker know that something in his behavior or performance is not entirely correct. In other words, a workplace reprimand is a way of “notifying” an employee that he is making a mistake and that, if he does not correct it, he could receive a more serious sanction, such as a suspension or even dismissal for just cause. . Consequently, a labor reprimand, also called a labor penalty , is the disciplinary sanction that is imposed on an employee as a result of failure to perform their duties or the commission of an offense.
Depending on the type of offense committed, the warning may be verbal or written and may be accompanied by some other type of sanction. These offenses are contemplated in Country Email List the Workers' Statute and can be minor, serious or very serious . What is a labor reprimand letter? The most common way to inform an employee that their actions are not appropriate or that they are committing an offense, once verbal resources have been exhausted, is through a letter of reprimand . It is a document that formally records the offense committed and the corresponding call for attention that is made. The labor reprimand letter can in turn function as a preventive measure, to avoid more serious sanctions . Its main objective is to serve as a wake-up call to the worker to correct inappropriate behavior that may be affecting their work performance within the company. Every letter of labor reprimand must contain certain essential requirements for its validity : It must contain a detailed description of the facts or fault committed by the worker.
Date of the absence and date of knowledge of it by the company's management. It must be dated and signed by the parties . You must always leave a record of its delivery to the worker and the means used. loonfy-salary What rules govern the labor reprimand letter? The legal regulations that are responsible for regulating the application of the written labor warning or labor warning letter. We find it contained in two legislations: Firstly, Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, of the Workers' Statute Law. And the signed collective agreement , which governs the actions of each employee, union or company. What can the employee do when he receives a work reprimand letter? Once informed of the company's decision to reprimand him in writing, the employee can: Accept the warning , if you are aware of your fault and improve your work behavior. Make use of your right to express your disagreement and appeal the decision if you are not satisfied with the decision made by the company. |